Wellness Week Resources
The Wellness Week initiative aims to promote mental health awareness and well-being in schools and communities around the world starting at the local level by young adults seeking to make a difference. This project was started by a Simply Neuroscience volunteer in 2020 based on a Wellness Week event that she helped to spearhead in her own school and community.

Our team has put together a guide for young adults seeking to start similar initiatives in their own communities, complete with links to free resources and information (all made by our members) to help you get started.
Wellness Week During COVID-19 Campaign
From the week of April 25th to May 2nd, 2020, Simply Neuroscience launched our Wellness Week During COVID-19 campaign to promote well-being during the stressful situation that everyone around the world was experiencing during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our team put together a list of free online resources and activities that you can access from home. Feel free to share this page with your friends and family and let us know via email (info@simplyneuroscience.org) or if you have any suggestions that you'd like us to include!