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Past Events

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



Brain Breaks (March 14, 2021)


We hosted an interactive neuroscience trivia and virtual networking session for students looking to take a break during stressful midterm season.



Brain Resource Creation October Workshop (October 9, 2021)


Featuring two presentations created by BRC volunteers here at Simply Neuroscience, students learned about the neuroscience behind dreams and memory.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


June 3rd Becoming a Brain Detective (Fiock).png

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



Fireside Chat with Ms. Chloe Duckworth (January 23, 2022)


Ms. Duckworth is the CEO of Valence Vibrations and COO of Hope hearted. She shared about her experiences in student-led neuro-entrepreneurship and democratizing access to wellness.


Fireside Chat - Chloe Duckworth.png

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Neuroscience and Society Focus Group (October 24, 2021)


Dr. Melchor Rodrigo serves as the Chair of Multiple Sclerosis in the Intl. Congress of Controversies in Neurology. He shares his background in neuroimmunology and community impact related to neuroscience and healthcare in both the U.S. and Argentina.


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Jeopardy! Brainstorm Edition (September 25, 2021)


Tolu Faromika and Kristina Valkanas (hosts of the BrainCore Podcast) hosted an entertaining, educational game of brain-themed Jeopardy! Participants competed to win a gift card prize.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Focus Group with Dr. Julianne McCall (August 29, 2021)


Dr. McCall shared about her extensive experiences in science policy (including precision medicine), leading the International Brain Bee, and academia.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



Fireside Chat with Dr. Deborah Levy (June 13, 2021)


Dr. Levy spoke about navigating a career in science and medicine as a woman with impostor syndrome, incorporating mental health and public health advocacy work in psychiatry, and how to synthesize multiple interests in science into a career.

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


April 24th Magliaro Event.png

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Neuroscience and Society Focus Group (February 27, 2021)


Dr. Maya Sapiurka (Scientific Training and Policy Associate at the Society for Neuroscience) joined us for a discussion on empowering youth through expanding policy education and action.

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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.



Neuroscience and Global Health Panel (March 20, 2021)


A virtual panel on the intersection of global health and neuroscience featuring Dr. James Giordano, Dr. Nirali Vora, Dr. Jerome Chin, and Dr. Sarah Tom.


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Ms. Stuti Chakraborty from Stimulus joined us for a discussion on healthcare policy.


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